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Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists
Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists
Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists
Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists
Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists
Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists
Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists Electrophoresis : theory, methods, and applications Introduction to modern physics College physics Plasma physics and magnetofluidmechanics Fluid mechanics Color for interiors, historical and modern Color centers in solids Radio electronics An introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer : with applications in chemical & mechanical process engineering Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies Technical thermodynamics Communication systems and techniques Cryogenic systems The analytic S-matrix Basic fluid power Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Electronic communication The evoked vocal response of the bullfrog : a study of communication by sound Acoustical designing in architecture Heat transfer Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Mechanical vibrations Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control : design, performance, application Collected papers on acoustics Photometry Optical properties of ions in crystals : a conference held at The Johns Hopkins University Balti,ore, Manyland September 12-14, 1966 Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Ultrasonics Introduction to atomic spectra The Doppler effect : an introduction to the theory of the effect Hydraulic presses An introduction to physical electronics Thermodynamics Introduction to solid state physics Applied elasticity Basic applied fluid power : hydraulics Lasers : a series of advances Analysis of discrete physical systems Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics : application of mathematics to problems in theoretical physics Perspectives of modern physics Classical dynamics of particles and systems Elementary excitations in solids : the Cortina lectures, July 1966, and selected lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan July 25-26, 1966 Method of moments in applied mathematics Conduction heat transfer Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Collected papers of P.L. Kapitza Thermodynamik und statistik Heat transfer notes Color : order and harmony : a color theory for artists and craftsment The world of sound : six lectures delivered before a juvenile auditory at the royal institution, christmas, 1919 Thermophysics The theory of nuclear magnetic resonance Developments in high energy physics : proceedings of the IX. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1970 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 23rd February-7th March 1970 Tables of wavelengths Principles of functional analysis Optical holography Modern optical methods in gas dynamic research : proceedings of an international symposium held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, May 25-26, 1970, supported by the New York State Science and Technology Foundation Design of thermal systems Introduction to high energy physics The measurement of time-varying phenomena : fundamentals and applications Microwave ultrasonics in solid state physics Advances in instrumentation Cosmic gas dynamics The Past decade in particle theory Fiber optics : principles and applications Laser theory Introduction to particle production in hadron physics The physicist's conception of nature The investigation of nuclear structure by scattering processes at high energies : proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 22 September-1 October, 1974 Essays on lighting Industrial instruments for measurement and control Mathematical methods for the physical sciences : an informal treatment for students of physics and engineering Optics Practical applications of infrared techniques : a new tool in a new dimension for problem solving Introduction to elementary particle theory Statistical physics Integrated optics Measurements in heat transfer Theory of turbulent plasma Early history of Planck's radiation law Coherent optical engineering : a selection of lectures given at the International School of Quantum Electronics, Versilia, Tuscany, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976 Noise and man Optics and lasers : an engineering physics approach Logical and epistemological studies in contemporary physics Einstein Briefwechsel : Albert Einstein/Arnold Sommerfeld : sechzig Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik Fiber optics: advances in research and development Einstein : the life and times Recent advances in boundary element methods On the path of Albert Einstein Geometric figures & color Models of disorder : the theoretical physics of homogeneously disordered systems Fourier transforms and their physical applications Laminar-turbulent transition : symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 16-22, 1979 The mechanics of liquid jets Physics for engineers and scientists