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Max Weber : an intellectual portrait Society, law and morality : readings in social philosophy from classical and contemporary sources The human dimension in international relations Psychology of human adjustment Social problems : a modern approach Personality and social life : text and readings La Dynamique des groupes : connaissance du problème, applications pratiques : à l'usage des psychologues, des animateurs et des responsables The civilizations of the East Toward social welfare : an analysis of programs and proposals attacking poverty, insecurity, and inequality of opportunity Social problems of drug abuse : a guide for social workers Sociology : social structure and change Soziale Bewegungen und Theorien bis zur modernen Arbeiterbewegung Politics and social structure Experimental social psychology La société féodale The americans at home : pen-and-ink sketches of American men, manners, and institution Social research and social policy Picture source book for social history: the twentieth century Picture source book for social history, late nineteenth century Theorie der Subkultur Patterns of social organization : a survey of social institutions Organizations : structure and process Posthumous works of the author of a vindication of the rights of woman Methodology in social research Man as the measure : the crossroads Varieties of political expression in sociology Basic statistics for social research Human relations Community development strategies : case studies of major model cities Der Mensch im Alter : Grundfragen der Alterskunde und Altersfürsorge The structure of sociological theory Introducing sociology : toward understanding life in society Essentials of sociology : from Sociology : a text with adapted readings Theory of residues Theory of derivations The general form of society Non-logical conduct Regional analysis Public opinion and popular government The Idea of social structure : papers in honor of Robert K. Merton Social statistics Persons-in-groups : a humanistic social psychology The rise of the mediocracy Kinometrics : determinants of socioeconomic success within and between families The new moral code of action of the large corporation's executive Contemporary psychology and effective behavior Behaviour and misbehaviour : explanations and non-explanations Contemporary Europe : social structures and cultural patterns Kul turnaia zhizn Leningrada 20-kh nachala 30-kh godov Prophecy and progress : the sociology of industrial and post-industrial society Chinese footbinding : the history of a curious erotic custom Chinese lanterns, by Grace Thompson Seton... Chinese characteristics People and communities in the Western world. 1 People and communities in the Western world. 2 Sozialstruktur und Wandel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : e. Studienbuch zu ihrer Soziologie u. Sozialgeschichte Violence in the home Human intimacy : marriage, the family, and its meaning Urban sociology The women of England from Anglo-Saxon times to the present : interpretive bibliographical essays A social history of England, 1851-1975 Relations in public : microstudies of the public order The congruence between actual and desired use of time by older adults : a predictor of life satisfaction Measures of association for cross classifications The design and understanding of survey questions The rural world, 1780-1850 : social change in the English countryside Contemporary social problems Urban development in modern China Urban political economy and social theory : critical essays in urban studies 'Prospective de la famille' : rapport du group de travail The Structure of action Despite the welfare state : a report on the SSRC/DHSS programme of research into transmitted deprivation Computergestützte Befragung in der empirischen Sozialforschung : Theorie, Methode und Technik : dargestellt an Untersuchungen aus der Sportsoziologie La vie économique et les classes sociales en France au XVIIIe siècle Peasants, rebels, and outcastes : the underside of modern Japan Social research methods The colonial American family : collected essays Our changing morality, a symposium A study of husband-wife interaction in three cultures Research in the sociology of organizations : a research annual Eltern und Kinder : Umwelteinflüsse auf das familiäre Verhalten Aging in society : selected reviews of recent research Urbanization and urban planning in capitalist society La négociation : conduite, théorie, applications The aging experience Organizations and environments The seven curses of London La Vie quotidienne au Japon au début de l'ère moderne (1868-1912) Patriarchy in a welfare society Democracy ancient and modern English urban life, 1776-1851 Women from birth to death : the female life cycle in Britain, 1830-1914 In red and black : Marxian explorations in Southern and Afro-American history Current perspectives in social theory : a research annual Les structures élémentaires de la parenté The elementary structures of kinship Ein Beitrag zur Analyse von Konfliktstrategien : Unters. an e. dynam. Konfliktmodell Group dynamics : the psychology of small group behavior Current perspectives on aging and the life cycle : a research annual ; v. 1: 1985 Current perspectives on aging and the life cycle : a research annual ; v. 2: 1986 Toward internationalism : readings in cross-cultural communications Research in sociology of knowledge, sciences and art : a research annual ; v. 2: 1979 The ties that bound : peasant families in medieval England Studies in communication Ainu, creed and cult Street corner society : the social structure of an Italian slum Women in culture and politics : a century of change Ritual brotherhood in Renaissance Florence Mass communication : an introduction The sociology of cities Comparative mass media systems Social science research and women in the Arab world The idea of progress : an inquiry into its origin and growth Studies in communication. 1 Before and after Socrates Political communication research : approaches, studies, assessments Personality types and culture in later adulthood Early modern England : a social history 1550-1760 For better, for worse : British marriages, 1600 to the present Ageing populations : the social policy implications The Different faces of motherhood The Economics of aging Studies in cross-cultural psychology. 2 Peoplemaking Liberalisms : essays in political philosophy Urbanization in Asia : spatial dimensions and policy issues Social class and democratic leadership : essays in honor of E. Digby Baltzell Randomized response : theory and techniques The works of Mary Wollstonecraft. 1 The works of Mary Wollstonecraft. 2 The works of Mary Wollstonecraft. 3 The works of Mary Wollstonecraft. 4 The works of Mary Wollstonecraft. 5 The works of Mary Wollstonecraft. 6 Urban dynamics and spatial choice behaviour Current perspectives on aging and the life cycle ; v. 3: 1989 : a research annual The social animal Altered loves : mothers and daughters during adolescence Ethical social index numbers Women in the eighteenth century : constructions of femininity Les femmes bagnardes Ces merveilleux instruments : essais sur les communications de masse Les Désillusions du progrès, essai sur la dialectique de la modernité Hölderlins Mutter : Untersuchungen zur Mutter-Sohn-Beziehung Die kulturellen Grundlagen der Gesellschaft : der Fall der Moderne The Cambridge social history of Britain, 1750-1950. 1 The Cambridge social history of Britain, 1750-1950. 3 Class formation and urban-industrial society : Bradford, 1750-1850 Looking awry : an introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular culture Social epistemology Superior servants : the legendary Cantonese amahs of the Far East Théorie structurale de la communication et société Reading popular culture Today's children : creating a future for a generation in crisis The Cambridge social history of Britain, 1750-1950. 2 Family belief systems, therapy and change : a constructional approach Women in Britain today Working women in South-East Asia : development, subordination, and emancipation Popular culture and social relations Man on earth The art and politics of Wana shamanship Real life in London, or, The rambles and adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his cousin, the Hon. Tom. Dashall, through the metropolis. Vol. 2 : exhibiting a living picture of fashionable characters, manners, and amusements in high and low life The Economics of care of the elderly Soziologie des Risikos A place of their own : family farming in eastern Finland Traders without trade : responses to change in two Dyula communities Social psychology in the '90s Third world cities : problems, policies and prospects No contest : the case against competition Le Désordre des familles : lettres de cachet des Archives de la Bastille au XVIIIe siècle Positivist sociology and its critics Adult development and aging Indonesian women in focus : past and present notions Special issue on labor relations and unions Der blinde Fleck in Luhmanns Systemtheorie Power : critical concepts Models and mirrors : towards an anthropology of public events Companions without vows : relationships among eighteenth-century British women Sociology : cultural diversity in a changing world Childhood transformed : working-class children in nineteenth-century England Gender and the politics of history Karlsruher Frauen, 1715-1945 : eine Stadtgeschichte Antike Frauenleben im 18. Jahrhundert Frauen in Deutschland, 1945-1992 Mittelalter Frühe Neuzeit Women and careers : issues and challenges Elderly care : a world perspective The Economic status of women under capitalism : institutional economics and feminist theory Reflections on the way to the gallows : rebel women in prewar Japan Discovering men The economics of ageing Irish women and Irish migration Current research on occupations and professions : a research annual Research in the interweave of social roles The homes of other days : a history of domestic manners and sentiments in England from the earliest known period to modern times Urban sociology in transition Gentrification and urban change Race, class, and urban change 19. Jahrhundert 20. Jahrhundert Österreichische Volkskunde für jedermann Reaching out : interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization 100% franc̃aise La femme pauvre au XIXè siècle Timewatch : the social analysis of time Poverty, urbanization, and development policy : a Philippine perspective The art of Philippine embellishment Social dilemmas and cooperation Cross-cultural analysis of organizations Pauvres et marginaux dans la société franc̃aise : quelques figures historiques des rapports entre les pauvres, les marginaux et la société franc̃aise New directions in urban sociology Deviance in and of organizations Age of extremes : the short twentieth century, 1914-1991 Virtual politics : identity and community in cyberspace Age and dignity : working with older people Communication studies : an introductory reader Introduction to communication studies American public opinion : trends, processes, and patterns Networks in and around organizations On democracy Toward a global civil society Social constructionist psychology : a critical analysis of theory and practice Stadtkern und Stadtteile : 27. Arbeitstagung in Karlsruhe 1988 Stadt an der Grenze : 26. Arbeitstagung in Miltenberg 13.-15. November 1987 Stadt und Krieg : 25. Arbeitstagung in Böblingen 1986 Städtische Randgruppen und Minderheiten : 23. Arbeitstagung in Worms 16.-18. November 1984 Stadt und Kultur : 21. Arbeitstagung in Ulm 29.-31. Oktober 1982 Die Stadt am Fluß : 14. Arbeitstagung in Kehl 14.-16. 11. 1975 Stadt und Repräsentation : 31. Arbeitstagung in Pforzheim, 1992 Simians, cyborgs, and women : the reinvention of nature L'origine des systèmes familiaux The sociology of social problems The rich & the super rich : a study in the power of money today Sociology & social life Introduction to mass communications Puttin' on ole massa : the slave narratives of Henry Bibb, William Wells Brown, and Solomon Northup A basic course in statistics, with sociological applications The women of Botany Bay : a reinterpreation of the role of women in the origins of Australian society Eichmann in Jerusalem : a report on the banality of evil Stigma : notes on the management of spoiled identity The English middle classes The logic of social systems : [a unified, deductive, system-based approach to social science] 44 letters from the liquid modern world Justice : what's the right thing to do? 



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